In order to have a business that works well, it’s important to know how to attract customers and keep them. Being a business owner isn’t an easy task, and capturing potential customer’s attention is harder than ever nowadays because passersby often have their eyes glued to their phones, and their ears plugged with music.
Having a solid presence in a busy street can greatly contribute to increasing traffic in your business. This is why several business owners spend a lot of money on their interior design to make it aesthetic and appealing. Unfortunately, it means that these business owners will probably end up neglecting the exterior design. Your exterior design is of utmost importance because it’s the first thing potential customers see. However, to know how to attract customers, you have to be able to capture their attention first. A neglected exterior isn’t inviting, even if the interior design is magnificent.
Furthermore, statistics prove that people are far more interested in the experience than the product nowadays. The customer experience begins the moment they lay their eyes upon your business and decide to go inside. Investing in your business design is worthwhile, and especially paying.
Groupe Bellon Prestige is happy to share with you some judicious tips to contribute to your business’s success. Discover how to attract customers with our simple design tricks. It is the little attentions that distinguish you from the competition and help attract more customers.
1. How You Appear in the Streets: Investing in an Awning
Investing in your business is a good way to learn how to attract customers. Putting your money in the right places allows you to increase traffic to your business. Why not start with your exterior design? Since it’s the first thing, potential customers see before entering your business, the purchase of an awning is a good investment.
You have two choices when it comes to awnings, either fixed or retractable. If you are a restaurant owner who wishes to offer shade to your customers, a retractable awning is recommended. For business owners who desire a more aesthetic exterior design but do not own a terrace, a fixed awning is an excellent solution. You can even add lettering to your awnings to increase your visibility and notoriety.
Words of Advice
To know how to attract customers, you need an eye-catching design. To choose the right color for your awning, consider your surroundings. Are the walls of your business dim or dark? Then you should opt for a bright color to catch the eyes of potential customers. On the other hand, if your walls are bright, you should go with a darker awning to create a beautiful contrast.
Furthermore, winters in Quebec can be rude and surprising. If you have an awning, you should always have a heated, safe, and insured space to store your awning. If you do not have space, we will be happy to help you with our storage service.
2. Investing in Terrace Umbrellas
Unfortunately, some municipalities regulations can prevent you from installing an awning. You can still offer shade to your customers with the help of terrace umbrellas. Umbrellas are an affordable solution if compared to awnings, and they also make your terrace and business more stylish. An umbrella can rapidly become an efficient marketing tool if used right.
It is important to choose your umbrella colors, so it fits your brand image. Also, when you shop for umbrellas, it’s important to ask if their cloth is treated against UV rays. By choosing a treated umbrella, you avoid discoloration.
3. How to Attract Customers and Keep them: Investing in Patio Heaters
When we talked about the stats of experience versus products earlier, this is exactly what we meant. Terraces are nice, but when the fresher temperature comes in autumn, they are a lot less tempting. To know how to attract customers, you have to understand that the experience makes all the difference.
Why close your terrace early and lose on your maximum capacity? There are still a lot of beautiful sunny days in autumn. So, to avoid closing your terrace earlier than necessary and risk losing potential customers, investing in a patio heater is a good solution. Furthermore, your patio heater is an incredible asset to increase the comfort level of your customers. You will be able to easily invite customers to stay on your terrace on fresh but sunny days if you have a patio heater. By keeping your customers warm, you contribute to giving them a memorable experience.
Investing in Your Exterior Design, It’s Worth It
How do I attract customers? It’s so simple. You first have to have an eye-catching design. Investing in your exterior design is an efficient way to attract customers. And to keep them, you have to take care of their comfort and give them a memorable experience at your business.
By investing in a retractable or fixed awning, you attract customers with an eye-catching design. It’s particularly interesting for restaurant owners because a retractable awning provides your customers with warmth and comfort. By investing in terrace umbrellas, you offer yourself a powerful marketing tool. You can even customize them, so they fit your brand image. As for the patio heater, you grant your customers a pleasing, comfortable experience while they’re at your business. Plus, you make extra income by keeping your terrace open, and you build customer loyalty by keeping them warm.
This is how you attract customers and keep them! If you need help to choose your awning, patio heaters or umbrellas, contact us. We are happy to contribute to the success of your business.