30 October 2019

8 Marketing Tactics for Restaurants

Pierre Trudeau

According to the ARQ, there are more than 20,737 restaurant owners in Quebec, thus the importance of finding the right marketing tactics for your restaurant. The competition is ferocious, the increase in food cost and the lack of a workforce creates several problems for restaurant owners. No need to say that being a restaurant owner in Quebec isn’t an easy job. To succeed, you need to find an eye-catching restaurant concept, the right location and ensure good communication with your customers. Everything has to be done when we’re an entrepreneur. 

Knowing that bankruptcies in the field are numerous, when it comes the time to invest in a good marketing tactic for your restaurant, each dollar needs to be well invested. A mistake could cost you a lot, otherwise.

Groupe Bellon Prestige is happy to offer you a few judicious advice on how to attract more customers and how to establish your brand. Discover how our fixed-terrace awning and some good marketing tactics for your restaurant could help you stand out from the 20,000+ restaurants in Quebec. 

Great Marketing Tactics to Use for Your Restaurant

Before talking about the design of your restaurant, let’s start by establishing a list of a few powerful marketing tools you can use to increase the visibility of your business. Here are our judicious advice to adopt to attract more customers to your establishment. 

Online Presence and Social Media

Did you know that the majority of your customers’ journey is done on the web? That’s right. It is thus of paramount importance that your brand is visible when your potential customers are looking for a place to feed. Make sure to sign your restaurant up on several popular directories such as Yelp, the yellow pages as well as the Google My Business platform. Social medias are also an excellent way to make yourself known. Enjoy the visibility by creating a page for your restaurant on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you can’t find the time to do it yourself, do not hesitate to contact web marketing professionals to do it for you.

Develop Your Customer Base

When a customer visits your business once it’s good, but twice is so much better! On your website, do not hesitate to collect email addresses and create a newsletter. A newsletter is a great marketing tactic for your restaurant because she allows you to revive your customers and build brand loyalty. You could keep your clients informed on your special offers, your happy hours, as well as other special events your business is holding.

Another way to build brand loyalty is to offer them a loyalty program. A pre-stamped loyalty card is a good solution to invite a customer to come back. If you own a fast-food restaurant, it’s an excellent marketing tactic for your restaurant. For example, you could offer something like buy 5, and the 6th is on us!

Improve Your Exterior Design

Even if the greater part of your customers’ journey is done online, you could still get customers from people walking in the street. People can discover your restaurants as they walk and get hungry. Knowing that the competition is particularly ferocious, it is thus important that your visibility is optimized and that you give a good impression.

Fixed-Terrace Awnings

There are several outdoor designs you can use to improve your visibility. For example, by installing a fixed or retractable-terrace awning, you offer comfort and shade to your customers. Furthermore, fixed-terrace awnings increase your visibility in the street. Do not hesitate to choose a colour that contrasts with the colour of your establishment to create a punch. You could also choose your fixed-terrace awning’s colour so this one fits the logo of your business or your brand image. Your fixed-terrace awning can help you attract customers from the street and invite them to walk toward your business instead of another.

Another way to catch the attention of potential customers in the street is to add lettering to your fixed-terrace awning. Caution! It is not all fixed-terrace awning manufacturers that offer lettering. Make sure to ask your manufacturer if it’s possible to add lettering. The main advantage of good lettering is that it helps your customers remember the name of your business, and then come back. 

Terrace Umbrellas and Ramps

Before you decide to invest in a fixed-terrace awning, it’s always good to check the rules of your municipality. Some municipalities might prohibit the use of fixed-terrace awnings. If you can’t install one, a simple and less expensive alternative is to install some commercial terrace umbrellas. They are available in several colours and will rapidly become your restaurants’ ambassadors. Furthermore, by choosing the right colour, it will be easier for your customers to recognize them and then eat under them.

When it comes to ramps, they add a certain charm and a high-end design to your restaurant. You could, for example, invest in Svalson ramps which protects your customers from the wind and ensures their safety.

To stand out, you only need a few great marketing tactics for your restaurant. Social medias and online presences are just as important as your restaurant’s design to assure your success. Opt for a good online presence, brand loyalty with a newsletter system and loyalty cards to attract customers, then invest in your exterior design to attract customers that also represents a great part of your customer base. Use everything you can use to improve your visibility, such as terrace umbrellas or fixed-terrace awnings, and success is going to be yours!

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